Friday, January 19, 2018

Take The Shot

Take The Shot

Life is simple but many of us make it more difficult than it has to be by allowing the thought of PERFECTION to paralyze us!  We do the work and get in position to be successful but would rather hold on to the ball than TAKE THE SHOT!  So I wanted to let you know today it’s time to TAKE THE SHOT!  Your proverbial SHOT may come in the form of mustering up the confidence to ask that special someone out on a date, it may come from applying for the job before the deadline date, it may come from pursuing your destiny in the midst of others hate or it may come in merely living the life that was designed for you by FATE!  Stop allowing others perception of you to keep your success rate percentage at 0 and TAKE THE SHOT!  After all think about it, you will immediately increase your chances of making it to 50% if you simply TAKE THE SHOT!


  1. Jonathan, This is an outstanding delivery of positivity and encouragement. You used a "hoops metaphor"....what I choose to call it. Keep doing your thing, using the GREATNESS placed in you.



    1. Sports to me have always taught some of the GREATEST life lessons!
