Saturday, January 20, 2018

No Limit

No Limit

At the end of the day you must realize that as long as you keep your eyes on the prize there is NO LIMIT to what you can accomplish!  Often times we fall into the trap of complacency and lose focus on the prize that we originally set out to get!  This is why today I had to take the time to tell you that as long as you realize whose you are there is NO LIMIT to what you can become.  It’s essential that every now and then we are reminded of our GREATNESS by someone else who sees the inner strength that we have drifted away from. During the climb we sometimes get so busy worrying about each little rock along the path that we forget about what is truly at stake.  Keep your eyes on the top because the problems that are currently in front of you will not last long and before you know it they will be long gone.  Today is truly a day that will free yourself from all restrictions/limits!  So when the word begins to attempt to make you feel as though there are LIMITS on your life I need you to hold your head up high and place the two words of the day on repeat in your mind NO LIMIT as long as you possibly can!!!! 

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