Monday, January 8, 2018

Make A Way

Make A Way

The only way that a seed can truly be planted is for someone to MAKE A WAY!  Today’s post focal point is the need to MAKE A WAY for the seed to be planted into your life. Many people want a promising future and desire someone to sow a seed into their life but did not understand the prerequisite process that had to take place. You see the image in your mind has to be that of a farmer who is working the ground AHEAD of his expectant harvest. The work isn’t hard for the farmer to put in because he understands that his entire livelihood depends upon the effort that his is willing to put forth. His family will suffer if he attempts to cheat the process and shortcut his way to the harvest!  You cannot have the harvest without the hard work and dedication of the invest!!!!  This is why I need you to focus on being intentional about the effort you put out AHEAD of your expected reward!  Once you get to a point of your WORK being bigger than your want your life will begin to fill with all of the things you wanted and more!  So in closing I need for you to remind yourself that you must be FAITHFUL over the FEW opportunities that you have to MAKE A WAY for the GREATER that is coming in your life!  See you soon for the sow..........

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