Sunday, September 7, 2014

No Box or Excuse Chat 101

The need for this edition of No Box Thinking came from a conversation held on twitter the last few days. I posted a tweet about the possibility of having Emeline Carpenter join the No Excuse family soon. 

This was met by a twitter follower who jumped on the phrase but didn't understand the message. This same error happens with many educators when they hear the phrase No Excuses!  They automatically assume that means they get to throw this term out to the students and families when they feel like they are not doing there part. 

However, the phrase No Excuses is firmly based on the building up of 6 Excpectional Systems: Cultural of Universial Achievement, Teacher Collaboration, Standards Alignment, Assesment Plan, Data Management and Interventions. These systems have to be built, put in place and in the process of becoming common practice before a school can apply to become a No Excuse University!  

This makes No Excuse University a network of schools that are grounded in beliefs that lead to the motto of No Excuses. The leaders Damen and Dan Lopez created this network to give children across the world the 5 words their mother gave them: After High School Comes College!  This is a phrase that many educators give to their own children, nieces or nephews but may not provide for the students they serve. Therefore leaders of No Excuse schools create a culture that breeds the message that College is a possibility for ALL and not a private club for only the well to do!  

So tonight No Box Thinking will share the 6 Exceptional Systems with the World and hope that it will enlighten all on what No Excuses really stands for! 

For more information on No Excuses check them out on twitter @noexcusesu or their website

The message they share was life-changing for me and I know it will be for you as well. The Annual Convention will be held in Las Vegas October 20-22 and I promise you that this time what HAPPENS in Vegas will NOT stay in Vegas. It will be taken back to schools and districts across the worlds to provide a renewed sense of HOPE to educators who maybe feeling defeated. Together we can make a difference and change the World by saying NO to Boxes/Excuses alike!

Join #nbtchat tonight at 6:30 pm CST for the pre-chat and 7:00 pm CST for the chat! Bring your Boxes and Excuses tonight as we will BURN them both!