Saturday, October 17, 2015

Transformational Leadership

When some think of the word Transformer they probably think of Optimus Prime or whatever their favorite Transformer maybe. On the other hand others may think of the Transformer that supplies them with electricity/energy. In either case both of these Transformers change the atmosphere around them due to shear power/strength. The environmental change is powerful in and of itself.   

The type of Transformer that I would like to discuss however is a Transformational Leader who like the examples above has the power to change the environment that they are placed in. Whenever the need for Transformation arises the organization, company or team are in need of a change. Staying put or continuing with the status quo will simply get the same results thus the label of insanity is placed over the actual business name. This can be changed with the twinkling of an eye when a Transformational Leader is brought in due to their uncanny ability to not only gain people's trust but their ability to maximize others potential. An entire business, organization or nation can be changed forever once a Transformational Leader takes their rightful place. The sure energy, passion or drive they posses makes everything around once again come alive. Leaders of all types come a dime a dozen but when you experience a Transformational Leader they will truly leave you buzzing. Your potential will be tapped into and those who know you will ask "What's gotten into you?"  Therefore, the next move is up to you and the choice to become a better leader resides within you. If you truly want to get results that cause your team to rise to the top, then it's time to start giving out the energy that can TRANSFORM all that are connected to you.

One may ask: How can I become a Transformational Leader? To which my reply would be to become the one with the solutions to the problems others face. Take every opportunity to change the culture by saying something positive when negative is thrown your way. Being optimistic that the results will come if you continue to focus on your vision each day. Take the blame and freely give the credit away!  Be a facilitator keeping the momentum going in the proper way. Take the time to smile, laugh and joke occasionally. Ensure that the mission is at the forefront each and everyday.  Most importantly show up and find a way to Win The Day!  The last task given may seem impossible to do, but this is what will truly shape your Transformation and allow the best Leader to come out of you.  The best drawn plan will have a flaw or two but the Transformational Leaders always find a way to execute the plan by inspiring onlookers who watch them do what seemingly only they can do.  

The Time Is Now to POWER up and truly TRANSFORM into the game changing LEADER that others are relying on you to be!