Monday, August 18, 2014

No Excuses Turnaround Schools Book Study - Chapter 6

Classroom Assessments that Guide Instruction and Interventions

High expectations without a means of measurement are hollow.
-Samuel Casey Carter

When testing is done most educators feel as though the assessment is not indicative of what they have actually taught the students.  Therefore, when a district assessment is given and we have an opportunity to look over the test to make suggestions, we need to take advantage. 
In the assessment realm we have summative/formative and they both have a purpose of validating our instruction.  When we look at the end of the year STAAR test, the results mostly come in at a time when we have little to no control over re-teaching the materials left un-mastered.  However, if we properly use the formative assessments we will have a better gauge as to the areas of need when it comes to the end of year examination.  

Creating assessments that are used to help guide instruction and interventions is instrumental to the development of an exceptional system.  At Carpenter we will develop at least 2 questions per subject area that can be used for our unit exams and assist us in building better lesson plan/interventions that will address student needs. 

Articulation Meetings where the data is broken down and action is taken to assist students will be very important to the overall success of our campus.  These meetings will take place following the administration of the test and guide our instruction/interventions directly following the administration.  We will not remain stale on our offering of instruction if it is showing not to work for a student.  Our primary goal is to educate and reach each student no matter what level they are operating on. 
Students should work with the teachers to examine the testing results and build future goals based on their performance.  This will also directly relate to our Goal work that we send home with students versus the traditional home work that we have been accustomed to from the past.  How will you go about informing the students of the value of the actual assessments?  What methods will you use to gain buy-in from the students to ensure our campus wide goal of defying the odds is met?

The next area of using class goals to gain the whole class buy-in was very enlightening.  The examples given will be a great lead in to our 1st Marzano instructional strategy of Similarities and Differences. We can utilize these strategies at the beginning of the year to introduce goal setting/strategies that we will use.  The students should be able to share with any stakeholder their individual goals and talk about the goal work they will use to make it to the goal.  How will we involve parents in the conversation of goal setting and the ultimate results that we want as a campus?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Team Carpenter Newsletter Vol. 6

Please checkout our weekly video:

Emeline Carpenter (Intro) Hold On Change is Coming -

The No Excuse Turnaround Schools book study can be found below:

No Excuses Turnaround Schools Book Study - Chapter 5

 Classroom Lessons Aligned to Academic Standards

It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required!
Winston Churchill    

The first part of this chapter jumped out to me due to the favorite lesson that had always been taught and the teachers feeling the need to continue the TRADITION.  We all have been a witness to the favorite teacher lessons that are carried on year after year, that may or may not even address the TEK.  So I want you to think about a time when you either taught or received one of those oldies but goodies and how it made you feel afterwards?  Also, after you are programed with information only to find out that you do not need it, how does that make you feel?

The chapter then talks about the alignment of lessons to academic standards and that most of the times we have average alignment at best.  Our main goal this year as a district is to focus on instruction and ensure that it is of the highest quality.  Therefore, it will require time and effort being put in to ensure that we are focusing on the verb of each TEK, delivering instruction at the highest level of Bloom’s, ensuring that the instruction is relevant and incorporating Marzano’s High Yield Strategies in all areas of instruction!  Doing the mentioned steps will ensure that we at least have a well thought out lesson plan that places the proper lesson cycle on paper.  In order for a system to be exceptional it takes the will to dig deeper into the TEKs, constantly critique/edit lessons, working together to ensure cross curricular instruction occurs daily and being relentless in the pursuit of excellence!  What will you do this year to ensure the alignment goes from paper to peak performance?

From this chapter my biggest take away is that our time is precious and we do not have a moment to waste.  We will ensure that all conversations are focused around our ONE GOAL and that is DEFYING THE ODDS.  The PLC time that has been built into the schedule will be used to create exceptional documents that will be taken from paper and translated into performance!  Instruction being of the highest quality will be the #1 focus at Carpenter Elementary and I look forward to the learning that will result because of it!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jonathan Kegler's Motivation

Motivation is something that is normally easy come easy go. I however have found three sources of constant motivation: Faith, Family and Friends!  

My faith in Jesus Christ keeps me constantly motivated due to His love for me and the ultimate sacrifice He made for me on the cross!  At anytime that I begin to need motivation I think about the GREATNESS that He stands for me and it keeps me going. If it was not for Jesus I don't know what I would do. 

My family keeps me constantly motivated due to me never wanting to let them down. They depend upon me for leadership and guidance thus my constant supply of motivation to be my best. At anytime that I get down on myself or begin to think about giving up, I think about my family and it pushes me to go farther than farther has ever gone!  Thank you Tangela and Jameson for being in my corner and loving me no matter what!  You are my WHY!

My friends aka #nbtchat is an ongoing shot in the arm. I am constantly amazed at the wisdom and courage that each of them posses. The chat was born in February 2014 on a Sunday night at 6:30 pm CST and is going strong six months later in August 2014. This chat is so motivating that it trends atop the TWITTERVERSE an hour after being done. We literally started from the bottom and now we are here!  The top chat in Texas and climbing the charts nationally!

After each Sunday night chat I feel so motivated to go out and change the world on a Monday in which many find hard to do. 

The other source of motivation from a friend comes from the guru himself Eric Thomas!  Due to connecting with his TGIM almost 4 years ago my life has changed forever!  You see I listen to his messages constantly and feel as though nothing is impossible. Eric Thomas is such an inspiration to many and having him as a personal friend is something that I do not take lightly. Through him God has given me a true person to plug into for motivation and inspiration on a daily basis. 

So as you can see my motivation is key to my everyday life and through it I will make the world a better place!  I would like to send a special thanks out to Jennifer Hogan for the motivation to write this post and link to her blog site for the Motivation linkup party!  I personally invite each of you to join #aledchat each Monday night at 9:00 pm CST!