Thursday, April 24, 2014


The long anticipated DRESS MENTALITY is finally here!  I have been going back and forth on this issue for a while now with the MENTALITY series to show for it. So, I am actually very grateful and my mind said YES TO THE DRESS! Ha! Ha! Ha! Simply a little TLC humor for all of my female readers! 

Now, let's get down to the business at hand. Many times in life women find themselves needing to fit into that DRESS!  In order to fit into that DRESS, they attempt many different measures which have been chronicled in the MENTALITY series they fall back on religion and praying, they get a workout partner thus forming a relationship, they get a side job selling a weight loss supplement or product and gain a new JOB, they use that new JOB for what it can give to them and get discounts on the products to supply diet plan number 99 and this ALL was done to get into THAT DRESS!!!

So, as the weeklong series culminates my hope is that you appreciate the work I put in to help you fit your DRESS!  You see initially I simply wanted to discuss the process that women go through just to fit into that DRESS but a larger cause jumped out to me and I saw the need to adDRESS it. 

Our lives eerily go step for step with the process it takes to get into that DRESS and the sad part is after we get into that DRESS we fall back into old habits! After reading this series, I would like for you to reflect on your life and figure out what your DRESS is?  It could be God, significant other, or a dream job, illness that is causing your health to decline or a wedding DRESS you actually need to fit into. The reflection should be on what you did or will do after you reach that destination!  Also, what if you have to go through a Job like series of events in order for God to meet you on the other side? Will you have the MENTALITY it takes to GO GET IT? 

In order to attempt to fit into my DRESS of education I created a MENTALITY called No Box Thinking and it is not just a flavor of the month for me. I truly believe in the power that positive and creative thinking has on one’s life. I stepped out on FAITH and began a blog that you are currently reading, a chat on twitter to share this MENTALITY with others from across the globe and I am hoping that by using my God given talents I will be able to meet him on the other side!  I borrowed from Steven Covey and began with the end in mind with the initial post of this series and will leave you with the same thought: 

Count it all joy and in all ways acknowledge God for he is truly the author and finisher of our FAITH!

That's the final installment of the new MENTALITY series. See you Sunday at 7 pm CST to talk MENTALITY!

Please follow @nbtchat for more information on the No Box Thinking MENTALITY and join #nbtchat to further the discussion and assist in the development of a MENTALITY of a lifetime! 
Go get it MENTALITY!

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