Sunday, April 13, 2014

Exponential Change Agents

Competent means having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance. This is a definition of a person who has done just enough to get the job done, average joe, marginal Molly or Mediocre Mike! I don't know about you but after I close my eyes to rest for the final time I don't want anyone to say I was any of the above words!!!! 

I want to go down in history as a person who pushed the envelope and flirted with insanity at a healthy level. A person who truly merged innovation and engagement with everyone that he came in contact with. An individual that could never be held down or pinpointed by anyone and was always cutting edge with his philosophies and beliefs. Now at the end of the day to some this may come off as cocky, boastful or bragadocius but to me it's a hunger and passion to simply be the best at what I do. Each interaction that I have with someone I strive to make it life altering for all involved. 

No box thinking creates an environment where we can:

Think the unthinkable
Attain the unattainable 
Engage the unengageable
Reach the unreachable 
Teach the unteachable 

Find out currency and deposit into their account. Then once a withdrawal needs to be made they can give you all that you have given them!  When one has done the things listed above they are now ready to be change agents! Please watch the video below and then we will discuss this in further detail.

Through the video my attempt was to show you that in life we can increase or decrease effectiveness in several different ways. We can add or subtract to others, multiply or divide from a unit but to be the PHENOMENAL person you were meant to be one must begin to find ways to EXPONENTIALLY CHANGE others! When we are able to do this then the world as we know it today becomes a better place over night. So many times we have all complained about how bad things are in life but when we change our thought process lives can be impacted in the blink of an eye!

So after reading this post I would like for you to get up, get out and CHANGE something!

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