Sunday, January 5, 2014

Planting of the Seed

It all happened by coincidence in the golden triangle of Texas.  I was interviewed for a physical education job by a young upstart principal who had a no non sense philosophy.  In the interview the one question that stuck out to me was how can you help our students be successful on the state assessment test?  My response was that I could help the students learn how to write more effectively and that we would take education seriously in the gym. 

I was hired for the job and our schedule was setup in a 90 minute A/B block format.  I was able to work with the students on writing concepts for the first 30 minutes of each class and we covered many topics.   One of the topics that the students found to be very interesting was “What would you do if you found a bag full of money?”  At the completion of the test the students couldn’t wait to tell me that the topic that year was about money and they felt very prepared for the topic due to writing about something very similar in the gym.  The students also noted that they did not feel afraid to write as the process in the gym made it easier to express their feelings.

  Upon receiving the writing scores for the 7th grade students that year we had scored the highest in school history.  This was merely one piece to the puzzle of assisting the middle school to become recognized on the State Assessment.  This gave me a different outlook on the impact that I could make if I was in a different role on the campus.  Most coaches & teachers only touch the students that they work with.  However, if I were to become an administrator like the upstart young principal that I just witnessed, I could have the ability to impact the entire student body.  The seed was now planted for my future and it all started because I was able to see a young principal run a campus in a manner that closely fit my personality as a coach.

  This young, innovative principal ruled with an iron fist and did not accept any excuses for the faculty not being prepared or the students not receiving a grade A education.  The most vivid memory was that she held each person on the campus ACCOUNTABLE for their actions and made sure that they did their part.  Teaching on your feet and off your seat was not the exception but the rule.  She performed walk-throughs on a consistent basis and was not afraid to have the difficult conversations.  The culture for success had been developed and enable all under her guidance to grow.

  The most difficult part of my time in the golden triangle was the departure.  I was extended a contract for the upcoming school year but knew in order for me to reach the heights of my fearless leader I would have to take a professional step back to walk away from coaching.  I then had my first difficult conversation with my principal as she really couldn’t understand why I would turn down the contract.  We spoke at length about the fact that she had changed my outlook on the field of education and how by observing her style I had developed the desire to become an administrator as well.  My future was impacted greatly by this upstart principal and that middle school in the golden triangle. 

My career then took a twist as I became a physical education teacher at an elementary school in East Texas and enrolled in graduate school at my alma mater Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas.  

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