Monday, November 3, 2014

Will the real GPS please stand up?

In life many times we find ourselves attempting to overcome obstacles but sometimes the overcoming overcomes us and we loose sight of the initial goal. This is why being prayerful and allowing our steps to be ordered is so key. The GPS (God Projection System) is the only way one can truly propel to heights that the mere mortal would suggest are unreachable. The further you are pulled, pushed or held back ultimately dictates the distance that you will travel. Therefore when life gets hard and it seems as though nothing you do is good enough remember the footprints analogy, which tells us to have FAITH in our GPS!  Somebody needs to know to hold on help is on the way and God is preparing them for a future blessing that is going to blow their mind. At the present time God is simply testing them to see if they can truly handle the GREATNESS that He has in store for them. The best thing about God is He doesn't seek accolades for the blessing He gives you but LOVES when you simply ACKNOWLEDGE Him! So take some time each day to acknowledge God and allow His light to shine through you to brighten this dark world!  

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