Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Story

My Story

Well when you get to the proverbial mountain top onlookers tend to think that they have you all figured out and that you have it all together!  However, I am here to tell you that the mountain top experiences are merely chapter entries in MY STORY!  I mean you may see me basking in the GLORY but not know what I had to go through to get to this point of MY STORY!  I know that someone out there can attest to this being so true as they have once been through the rough climb and made it to the top of their respective food chain only to find out that it was nowhere near the end of the game!  You see when you become a student of success you realize that the climb is what you adore the most because it is when you were pushed to stretch and grow the most.  Take a moment to think about seeing business partners toast to celebrate closing a deal, seeing a first generation college graduate walking across that stage all smiles, seeing the overwhelming joy that 2 pink lines can bring to a struggling couple who thought they’d never have a family, seeing the impact that a set of passing exam scores for “That School” who was set to be shutdown due lack of production can have, seeing the jubilation of a family reunited after years of dysfunction/separation cause by divorce, or the unmatched celebration/party thrown after seeing a child who was lost come back into the house vowing to turn their life around and live the life they were meant to live!  To the naked eye all you see is smiling faces, friendly embraces and successful situations that would lead one to assume that they were celebrating the final product, however they were truly toasting the hard work, dedication and sleepless nights!  So when you get to your moment of truth, accomplishment or achieve a milestone take a moment to kneel giving thanks for the grace and mercy that helped you pushed through!  For those that are struggling to get to the level of commitment that it takes to be great and is thinking about giving up before they reach the ultimate date with destiny, take a minute to tell yourself this is MY STORY!  When you truly embrace the struggle and begin to utilize the rallying cry of MY STORY you will begin to experience success like never before!  If you thought that climb to the top was something wait til you see what happens next.......

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