Wednesday, January 3, 2018



When you are preparing for the fight you must make the Decisions to do what is right. Yes, that sounds very simple but it is one of the deciding factors when it comes to the Decision made by the judges of the fight. You see your fight could be getting that dream job, your fight could be getting that dream boyfriend/girlfriend, your fight could be making the sales on your job or your fight could be sticking with the diet that you said you would start a few days ago.  Will the Decisions that you are making assist you in getting the hiring panel to give you the job, get the girl/boy to say yes to dating you, get the customer to choose your  company or getting to shop in a new section at your favorite clothing store.  Whatever your fight is I need for you to make the proper Decisions and not cut any corners in your preparation phase.  The easiest thing to do is cut corners and attempt to cheat the process.  However, karma has a way of not allowing you to reap what you don’t sow!  I want to remind you that together we are going to put in the work to make our dreams become a reality!  See you soon for the next installment.....

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